Creative Clubs for Children in Foster Care
In Russia, 80,000 children with living parents grow up in state institutions like orphanages and rehabilitation centres. Here and Now Charity provides all-round support services to orphaned, fostered or adopted children and their adoptive families.
A common concern for many foster families is the lack of socialisation opportunities available for their children. Foster and adoptive children can often have difficulties adapting to life in a new family and new school where communicating with peers and teachers may be uncomfortable. Feeling frustrated and singled out, they may be predisposed to negative influence which will affect their behaviour and decisions.
We support Here & Now by funding the delivery of their creative project, Animation/Cinema club. The project has been designed by a team of educational professionals and psychologists to address recurring issues and questions raised by foster families. The club helps young people develop their social and creative skills, boosts their self-confidence and learn how to work as part of a team.
“Max* was expelled from every other activity group we tried before. Here and Now is the only place where he has felt truly accepted and understood.”
*Name changed to respect privacy