Arts and Creative Activities for Children in Safopnovo Orphanage in Russia


In 2017-18 academic year we are supporting a programme of activities for the children of Safonovo Orphanage.

The limited range of creative activities available to children in Russian orphanages makes their already-hard lives even harder.

Deti Nashi ('Our Children') is a well-established Russian charity whose mission is to prevent children from being placed in state institutions and to help orphaned children successfully integrate into society. For more than a decade Deti Nashi has been helping bring the life of abandoned children to normality, and to equip them with the skills needed for a happy and fulfilled adulthood.

ArtSocial Foundation is happy to work alongside Deti Nashi to help these children discover the world of creativity. We have funded an ongoing programme of creative classes and workshops for the children of the Safonovo Orphanage in the Smolensk Region of Russia.

Throughout the academic year more than 50 schoolchildren aged 5–17 will have the opportunity to attend a variety of regular after-school classes, from acting to animation, dance, and design.

These classes will be a great help to developing the children’s creative thinking, leadership and teamwork skills, and will provide them with an opportunity to socialise with each other. In this inspiring, creative atmosphere the children will develop fine motor skills, learn attention to detail, and refine their aesthetic tastes.

The skills and experiences the children will get on these programmes will make them better equipped for independent lives, beyond the walls of the orphanage.
